uploads/rolling stone.jpg

rolling stone 無定居的人;見異思遷的人。

rolling strike

For example : don ' t hope to marry him because he ' s not the type to settle down . a rolling stone gathers no moss , as they say 別指望他會娶你,因為他是一種安定不下來的人。正如人們說的,漂泊者難以成家。

All the legendary rolling stones albums were recorded in the room we were in , so we used that as an angle to lure him in 一些傳奇樂隊滾石的唱片是在我們所在的屋子里錄音的,我們以此為誘餌誘惑他進來。

Rolling stones guitarist keith richards may have violated scotland ' s new smoking ban by lighting up during a concert 滾石樂團吉他手凱斯理查茲可能已觸犯了蘇格蘭新訂的禁菸令,他在演唱會點菸來抽。

Rolling stone legend keith richards ( news ) will also play the father of depp ' s character , captain jack sparrow 滾石樂隊的傳奇人物凱斯.理查德斯飾演片中約翰尼?德普(船長杰克杰克-斯帕羅)的父親。

During 10 years ' development , rolling stones club has been awarded “ excellent private - owned enterprise ” in successive five years 滾石俱樂部在十年的發展中,連續五年被評為“優秀民營企業” 。

Don ' t hope to marry him because he ' s not the type to settle down . a rolling stone gathers no moss , as they say 別指望他會娶你,因為他是一種安定不下來的人。正如人們說的,漂泊者難以成家。

What ' s the oldest musical group you can think of that is still performing ? the rolling stones ? aerosmith 您能想到的樂團中,歷史最悠久且仍在演奏中的是那一個?滾石樂團?史密斯飛船合唱團

Speaking from the application for a new trial on the case the music copyright society of china v rolling stone company 從音著協訴滾石公司公開表演權糾紛申請再審案說起于小白4900

Uncle smith was a rolling stone that gathered no moss . he worked in different jobs all over the country 史密斯叔叔在全國各地做過各式各樣的工作,他是一個頻頻改行積不了財的人。

Mr . xian has had five jobs within three years . this will not get him very far . a rolling stone gathers no moss 冼先生竟在三年內換了五次工作,這樣浮游不定,又怎能有成就呢!

Uncle willie was a rolling stone that gathered no moss . he worked in different jobs all over the country 威利大叔在全國各地干過好多工作,他漂泊不定,毫無積蓄。

Bill plympton started his cartoon career as a gag artist for rolling stone , playboy , penthouse and national lampoon 比爾普林頓以風趣的題材來開始他的事業。

The rolling stones release exile on main street , often considered their best album 1972年的今天, “滾石”樂隊發行了常認為是他們最佳專輯的《放逐于大街》 。

Annie leibovitz has shot 142 covers of rolling stone ; mark seliger has shot 124 安妮?雷博微茲為《滾石》拍攝過142幅封面;馬克?塞利格拍攝過124幅。

The rolling stone 滾石樂隊

The rolling stones 滾石樂隊

Join the rolling stones 加入滾石合唱團

A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生

The rolling stones are one of the big - ticket acts touring this summer “滾石”是今年夏天巡回演出中最賣座的樂隊之一。